$8f6 A REPLY TO SCI`S ARTICLE..MORE HD DEMOS $f8a BY DAVE DIAMOND OF THE INVADERS $9f9 Yes I too think there should be more hd demos on the amiga. I usually buy alot of pd demos and am always pissed off when the disks are either ndos or wont run from hard drive. In this day I thnk everything should go on hd as more people have them. What follows is a list of demos that I`d like to see go on hd... Jesus on e`s Desert dream Full moon Nfa-roswell Complex-seduction and many more (which I've forgotten) Most wont run because of the titanics cruncher,I`d like to see the demos of today and tomorrow hd freindly but also run on a standard a1200 and demos that dont need any fast ram or are fussy about using every single but of chip mem so you dont have to use no startup,disable stuff etc. Also look no further than this issue of the word..I`d like to rip the modules of demos/slideshows and games and listen to them while writing articles as I love cou music,I know that freak and carnage have to be carefull because people will use them in their own demos but I wont...honest! Its also difficult for me to use a ripper as I haven`t the foggiest idea. So there you go we want more demos for our hard drives....NOW!! Also if mok is reading this or anyone else doing hd installers for games (one that works for mortal kombat 1+2 please on a standard a1200) then please make them work WITHOUT fast ram as not one pd company has said that you need these specifacations to use them. Thanks. $ff0 [I use a program called Track2File which will take a nDOS disk and convert it to a file. This process was used in the Superfrog HD installer program. As for ripping music mods, I prefer Exotic Ripper GUI but The WORD uses a program called PREPPER which attaches several bytes to a module's header. Just load the mod (after unpacking it using StoneCracker) into ProWizard and it will say something like "Possible Protracker module found" and tell it to save it and it will remove the header for you! Carnage have some good musicians but they seem to prefer MED rather than PT so we have some conversion problems. If there is any music disk creators out there that can handle MED mods then we have 200 of them unused! Kei] $9f9 end